The 5 S's of Cam and Concealment
Okay, so when I said 5 S's I actually meant 6 but for some reason they're always referred to a the 5, don't ask me why they just are.
So, what are the S's (no matter how many there are of them)? The S's are the main things you need to consider when moving around in the field, basically they describe what to do to keep from getting seen by the 'bad guys'
Be quiet, sound travels very well at night and no matter how well you're hidden, if you make a noise someone will find you.
Try to 'Ghost Walk' by putting the edge of your foot down first and slowly transferring your weight onto it. This will, if done properly ensure you don't cause twigs to snap or leaves to rustle.
Don't Talk, use Hand Signals to communicate whenever possible. If you have to pass on information go right up to the other person and talk quietly (don't whisper) in their ear.
Don't be careless. If you think someone could be looking at you freeze in position. Remember, the human eye is drawn to movement, if you're still you're much less likely to get spotted.
Blend in with your surroundings, grab some local foliage and stick it in your pockets or around your hat or use some spare twisties to attatch it to your legs or arms. This way you can become a bush and no one will notice you!
The time you're most likely to be spotted is when you're 'skylinning'. basically, if you wander along the top of a hill you will be seen for miles as the moonlight (or sun) conveniently shows your opponent exactly where you are.
If you have to move along a high ridge crawl but ideally try to stay below the highest point so you can't be silhouetted
This rule does not only apply to hills, if you are cunningly using a hedge for concealment but just walk along your head and shoulders will be seen so remember to always stay low.
Sometimes these 2 are given as seperate S's but they're preety similar so I'm putting them together. They refer to the fact that light will naturally reflect of your skin at night and so anyone with a torch can see you.
To stop this from happening you should use Cam Cream. This lovely stuff cames in 1, 2, 3 or 4 colours depending on which type you've got and should be applied in DIAGONAL STRIPES across yur face to break up its outline and to stiop your skin reflecting light
Also,wear gloves on your hands and a hat or balaclava on your head and turn the collar of your combat jacket up to hide you neck.
Important point to note: Cam cream can be removed with soap and water, cam cream remover or Johnsons pH5 Baby Wipes depending on which you prefer to carry.
A little similar to 'Sight' but different enough to be seperate. The shape of a person is instantly recognisable to other people. this means that if someone looks across a field and there's a bunch of bushes and cows and one lonely cadet, the first thing ther going to see is the cadet.To stop your self being seen whenever your hiding you should try to find a tree or log to hide by or in. Crouch with your back against a tree trunk or position a branch across your body to break up your outline. This way people will assume your part of the tree/branch and won't see you.
A bit obvious this one, don't wear heavily scented aftershave/deodorant/perfume 'cos anyone near by will be instantly alerted to your prescence.
Okay, so this isn't strictly part of the list of S's but I reckon it sould be. Smoking on exersize is a bad idea for 2 reasons:
1.Cigarretes glow and no matter how well you cup them it's pretty much impossible to completely conceal them so you'll get seen.
2.Cigarrettes smell. If you're smoking people will be able to tell as the smoke has that distinctive smell to it. How many times has your squad been walking down a path only to have its scouts happily return to warn you of the ambush they just found 'cos the other team were having a fag? Believe me it's happened.